Friday, March 2, 2012

Python Program To Read Value String From Keyboard And Save To A Variable

Python Program To Read Value String From Keyboard And Save To A Variable

see also -
python compiler download
how to compile a python code
Here i am going to explain how you can read strings and data like integer float long double long and other data types from keyboard and save it to a variable in python.The python code is simpler than java.Java program need more steps to read a value or string from keyboard.
You can run this code by saving the program to c:\python27\ and open the command prompt and type the above code ( in screen shot ).
Code to read a string from keyboard in python :

name = raw_input("Enter your name:") 
print "Hello", name 
raw_input("Press a to exit.") 

Here name is the variable and Enter your name: is the message will be printed

Tags : how to read data from keyboard in to input data from keyboard to a python program,how to read a string from keyboard ,input a line from keyboard to python program,keyboard input handling in python,source code to read input from keyboard 

How To Compile A Python Program In Windows

How To Compile A Python Program In Windows
I am going to explain how you can easily compile a python program in windows .You can compile python program in windows in two ways:
How to compile or run your python program Step by steps
First download and install   python 2.7.2  or any other versions suable for you compiler in your windows computer
Way 1
Goto My computer c:\python27\ and open python.exe and type your code and press enter
Open any text editor like notepad and type your program after typing the code save the program into the directory (folder) c:\python27\  filename such as
Then open command prompt type the following code
cd c:\python27\
here cd is change directory or set your path
python.exe is the compiler and is python code with extension .py

Tags : how to compile python file ,how to compile .py file,how to compile python source code in windows,execute or run a python program in windows,run python project in windows xp,windows 7,windows 8

Python Compiler For Windows Free Download And Installation

Python Compiler For Windows  Free Download And Installation 

Python is a high level programming language which supports multiple programming paradigms.A python program can be easily understandable compared to c ,c++ and other languages.Normally the program file extension is .py .The python programs can be converted into executable files.The latest version of python ( python 2.7.2 can be downloaded from following link.
Windows Installer Direct Download 
Official website of python -
Download python compiler for windows computers -

The python compiler can be installed as normal setup files.The above version supports the operating systems Windows xp,Windows vista,Windows 7,Windows 8 and other versions of windows.

Tags : python compiler for windows xp,windows vista,windows 7 ,windows 8,python compiler free download,python latest version for free,python 2.7.2 free download

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Java Script To Start A File Download Automatically After 30 Seconds Or Page Load

You can initialize automatic downloads after some waiting time. Optionally you may add a count down screen to start download here i am explaining two ways to start download after 30 seconds.You can also add "click here if the download doesn't start automatically" using ordinary links.
In firefox and google chrome it is easy to do this auto download

Code 1 - You may assign waiting time by replacing 30 with  your assigned time in seconds

<title> Title of your download page </title>
<meta http-equiv=REFRESH CONTENT="30; url=http://full path of your file"> 
 If the download doesn't start automatically<a href="http://full path">click here</a>. 

Some browsers are not supporting the above codes so you may use my second code to start download automatically

Code 2 Waiting time is in micro second 100 micro second = 1 second

<script type="text/javascript">
var t=setTimeout("download()",30000)
function download()
window.location = 'full path of your file';


Tags : java script to start download automatically after specified time,php code to start download automatically after page load,waiting download in php,ajax download with waiting,java script ,ajax script code to auto download,internet explorer google chrome firefox browsers

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

C Program For Binary Search With Flowchart

To write a c program to perform binary search

int n,a[100],i,j,temp,s,low,high,mid,flag=0;
printf("Enter The limit");
printf("Enter The number\n");
printf("The sorted list of numers\n\n");
printf("\nEnter The number to be searched");
printf("The numberis found at The position%d\n\n",mid+1);
else if(s>a[mid])
printf("The number is not found \n\n");


Tags : flow chart and algorithm for binary search in c,c program for binary search,binary search flow chart and algorithm free,program in c for binary search