Python Program To Read Value String From Keyboard And Save To A Variable
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how to compile a python code
Here i am going to explain how you can read strings and data like integer float long double long and other data types from keyboard and save it to a variable in python.The python code is simpler than java.Java program need more steps to read a value or string from keyboard.
You can run this code by saving the program to c:\python27\ and open the command prompt and type the above code ( in screen shot ).
Code to read a string from keyboard in python :
name = raw_input("Enter your name:")
print "Hello", name
raw_input("Press a to exit.")
Here name is the variable and Enter your name: is the message will be printed
Tags : how to read data from keyboard in to input data from keyboard to a python program,how to read a string from keyboard ,input a line from keyboard to python program,keyboard input handling in python,source code to read input from keyboard
see also -
python compiler download
how to compile a python code
Here i am going to explain how you can read strings and data like integer float long double long and other data types from keyboard and save it to a variable in python.The python code is simpler than java.Java program need more steps to read a value or string from keyboard.
You can run this code by saving the program to c:\python27\ and open the command prompt and type the above code ( in screen shot ).
Code to read a string from keyboard in python :
name = raw_input("Enter your name:")
print "Hello", name
raw_input("Press a to exit.")
Here name is the variable and Enter your name: is the message will be printed
Tags : how to read data from keyboard in to input data from keyboard to a python program,how to read a string from keyboard ,input a line from keyboard to python program,keyboard input handling in python,source code to read input from keyboard